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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lil'Wayne quiting twitter?

This is from Lil Duval twitter.

After a week of twittering Lil Wayne (@Liltunechi) has stopped tweeting, apparently people aren't feeling his "deep tweets", this all came about when a recent trending topic #LilWaynedeeptweets, started by Lil Duval sent twitter into a frenzy and due to this Lil Wayne has stopped twittering. I guess no matter how famous you are feelings still get hurt, who would ever think that twitter would shut down Lil Wayne? If I had any advice for Lil Wayne I would tell him don't listen or react to twitter haters, they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Keep tweeting Wayne, its a different side of you that people rarley see. What advice would you have for Wayne?

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