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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Robert Pattinson Says The N-Word

Robert Pattinson made headline for his raunchy interview and photos in Details Magazine where he claims to be allergic to vagina, but something that was over looked was his usage of the word Negroes. In an interview conducted by Lena Horne's granddaughter, Jenny Lumet, a screenwriter who wrote "Rachel Getting Married," the Twilight star says:

Rob, did you know that every time you say actor or acting you lower your voice to a whisper?

He's genuinely startled. "I do?"

Yes, so quietly it's like you're saying Negro.

He laughs, lightens up. "What if we were 'acting' like 'Negroes'? Then we'd be f*cked—we couldn't hear anything. . . ."

Is the n-word the latest trend in Hollywood? Will this craze be like adopting a baby from Africa? Or are people just a little too sensitive with the N-bomb?

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