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Friday, April 2, 2010

Lil'Wayne write a letter to the fans from Jail.

" During my prison stint, I want my fans to know I love you. I want all of you to know that I appreciate all the mail I get, and this is my way of saying thank you. The F is for Family, Friends, and Fans.

Love. Live. Life. Proceed. Progress. That’s who I am and who I’ll always be. You see, we’re all living on borrowed time, so I’m not worried about this situation. Life happens quick. The more time you spend contemplating what you should have done…you lose valuable time planning what you can and will do. Trying to tear down the past prohibits you from building up your future. So for my time here, my physical will be confined to the yard. My love and my spirit, however, know no boundaries.

I’m in good spirits man, for real. My kids race through my mind all day. They know they were created with love, so love is how their life will be defined. I just hope my love and adoration for them provides a temporary bandage on a wound I unknowingly inflicted on them.

Real soon, you can catch me blogging for ESPN again thank you espn for not letting my passion for sports perish. I work out a lot because it helps pass the time. I read the Bible everyday. Jail didn’t make me find God, He’s always been there. They can lock me up, but my spirit and my love can never be confined to prison walls.

But this isn’t all about me, you are the reason for this letter. It’s because of you Rebirth went gold when critics aborted it. It’s because of you Young Money is and will always be a movement. If the weight of the world is on your shoulders, I beg of you, place it on mine. That’s the least I could do for you, after all you have sacrificed for me. If I could, I’d write each one of you back. Because of this, my team and I have created a website where you can view my letters. Each week I’ll answer as many questions as I possibly can.

Mia Edwards (Southern California)
– I wish you nothing but the best for you. Earning your Masters in Library and Information Science is beautiful. I’ll keep you in mind whenever I decide to do an autobiography on my life.

Kelly Holloman (Brooklyn)
– I still remember your letter. You have a great spirit. Thank you for the words and being a real fan. I love you.

Nurris Terrero (New York) – Your letter was so thoughtful and sincere. The way you worded everything left me in awe. Please send suggestions on books I should read. I look forward to checking them out.

For real, this will be the best way we can communicate for the coming months. The same way yall miss me, I miss yall, only 100 times more. To those who hate. Hate is only a form love that hasn’t found a way to express itself logically. Keep sending the letters and I promise keep responding. Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU. No matter what they do to erase me, my love for you will always be permanent. Remember that. Take care. God bless.

Give me the patience that I need
To keep my piece of mind,
And with life’s cares, I hope, Dear God,
Some happiness to find.
Give me the courage to face life`s trials
and not to from troubles run.
let me keep this thought in mind.
“Thy Will,” not “Mine,” be done.

- “Pray”

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